Q imported from our old site, Face Lift Floors: I have a question that I was hoping you could help me with. I have removed a parquet floor from one room and want to install it in another room. This parquet is not T&G. It is 3/8″ single pieces. It all came up pretty easy with a thin layer of glue on them.
My question is, can I lay them back down without scraping the old glue off? The layer of glue that is on them now is very course like sand paper. I plan on cleaning all 4 sides so that they can butt up against each other.
A: You can scrape all this off as clean as you can get it and reglue it down if you like. But given the time and effort, compared to the cost of new parquet for a small room, it seems a huge waste of time.
Original / moved link https://faceliftfloors.com/q-and-a/layerofglue.php
Webmaster’s note: As one with zero-waste aspirations, I personally don’t think it’s a “waste” of time. 😉
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