Q: My sump pump failed and flooded my in-progress reno. The laminate floor has bubbled in about 25% of the floor. I will replace the floor eventually, but I’m really not up for doing it now. The water was on the floor for about 5 hours.
I vacuumed it up and sucked it out. I have my heated floors on. Will the heated floors dry it out from underneath? I have heaters in the room and a dehumidifier on which has brought the air moisture from 46% to 30%. Is it a health hazard to leave it? Will the in-floor heating dry it out?
A: The thing with water is it doesn’t just disappear if we turn up the heat. I would pull it all up because if the water cannot escape into the air it will be a great environment for mold development, especially with the increased heat. Mold loves warm and wet.
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