Which DuraSeal stain matches Gunstock color?

Q: I have a dining room with what I believe is Bruce prefinished hardwood flooring. I have gotten two estimates on having the flooring sanded down to bare wood and completely finished. I would like to match the hardwood that is installed in my kitchen as closely as possible. The kitchen hardwood is the 2 1/4″ Gunstock stain. However, the refinishers use DuraSeal.  Is there a way to tell which DuraSeal color is actually the Gunstock color?

I visited Bruce’s website, and they have no information. I sure wish I would have found your website before I had prefinished floors installed! Great site with great advice!

A: I don’t think Dura Seal has any colour ‘off the shelf’ that will match gunstock. You can go to any building center that carries Min Wax stains and see if there is anything in their line up that will match. Dura Seal is a subsidiary of Min Wax and their Dura Seal Quick Coat stains also includes all the min wax colours.