Q: I first did a spot sand on the worn foot tracks in a hallway of a pine floor and the sanding looked pretty good. Then it was decided to just sand the whole hallway for fear the spot sanding would not match the rest. After doing a full sanding and cleaning up the excess dust, I applied a natural stain to the floor. As the stain dried, you can still see where the worn foot tracks were prior to sanding.
I am in a time crunch and would like to know if putting a 2nd coat of natural stain on the outer areas of the walk path would darken it up to blend in with the darker walk path or should I just keep sanding the worn path? I really don’t want to as the floor is pine. Thank you.
A: Okay, so old pine floor sanded and finished natural which had worn finish, exposing the wood. These areas are a different colour. I don’t think there is much you can do to change this. Apply 3 coats and be happy with the less than perfect appearance. It isn’t a piece of furniture and sunlight does cause colouration issues with everything.
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