Do I need some type of finish on my newly uncovered pine floor?

Q: I have a floor that was installed in 1953, when a room was added onto the house. It has had linoleum on it since that time. The floor never had a finish and is a mellow golden color, being pine. Can I remove the floor covering and simply use the floor as is, or do I need some type of finish, and if so what type?

A: My only concern is that the floor has taken on the darker hue because of “tar” on the back of the linoleum. If that is the case, I would suggest sanding to clean wood. If this is not the case then you could apply 3 coats of polyurethane (I use and recommend Poloplaz Primero and Poloplaz Fast Dry Sanding Sealer) or if you prefer the look of oil, 4 coats of Waterlox tung oil finish.

You should treat the floor with something or it will eventually become discolored.