Varnish with a mirror like shine?

Q: I’ve sanded and varnished quite a few floors in my current and last house. I always used Cuprinol Original Bourne Seal floor varnish. I love the finish it gives because it is super glossy.

I’ve just sanded and stained another floor and tried to find this floor varnish and found out the company stopped making it a year ago. I bought a tin of Ronseal Diamond Hard Floor Varnish in Gloss but it doesn’t even nearly compare to the mirror like shine of the Bourne Seal varnish. Do you know of any other floor varnishes that compare with the Bourne Seal result?

A: I’ve not used Cuprinol finishes. Poloplaz Primero hi-gloss is an outstanding product with a high shine, less slip, very durable and a dream to apply with a roller.