Stair nosing in more than one piece?

Q: I plan on installing laminate wood flooring on a stair landing and a couple of stairs. My question has to do with the stair nosing. My steps are about 47-1/2″ wide. Most pre-made nosings I’ve seen come in 47″ or 94″ long pieces. As you can see, I will either have to splice the nosings or have a ton of waste. Is it OK to splice laminate stair nosing? I understand it has to glued down and also nailed.

Any advice? Thanks for your help.

A: You never want a stair nosing to be in more than one piece. Waste or not, install one nosing on each tread. Additionally, the existing over hang on the treads needs to be cut back flush with the riser below it if such an over hang exists.

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