How to Clean Your A/C / Air Conditioner Condenser Unit – A clean air conditioner saves $!

I saw a pin floating around Pinterest with this commentary (edited for clarity) “‘My husband owned his own A/C business for a very long time… he said the instructions (at the following link) show the proper way to clean your unit, to do it yourself. Cleaning your A/C will make certain the unit is not working harder than it needs to be working, and you will save a lot of money by not paying the A/C company to rescue your unit, and by lowering your energy bills since your air conditioner won’t be chugging along so hard!’ (And added on by another Pinner…) Our electric bill rose to $430 two years ago and a simple A/C cleaning lowered it to $150. A clean air conditioner will save you money!”

Here is the link:

“Annual central air conditioner maintenance saves you money by increasing its efficiency and preventing breakdowns. You can complete the chore in an hour.”

via Clean Your Air Conditioner Condenser Unit – Step by Step | The Family Handyman.

When we lived in the big city, our electricity bill was sky high. Partly because one of those door-to-door energy companies scammed us, but I now wonder if a huge chunk of the summer bill was our A/C. It was not only old, it hadn’t been well maintained at all. I’m a little annoyed a bit of dirt might have cost us thousands over the years!

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When I (the webmaster) see a good tip regarding home maintenance, like the following one about cleaning your air conditioner, I will pass it along. While O/T, it’s good information and obviously our broader audience is “home owners”, not just wood floor owners.

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