I have central air. Should I leave it on while the floor sanding/staining/refinishing is in progress?

Q: I have central air. Should I leave it on while the floor sanding/staining is in progress? Or is it better to turn it off, and turn it back on after a few days?

A: That is a bit of a tricky question. If the company doesn’t use a dust control vacuum system with their equipment, the job is going to be very dusty. You don’t want all that getting sucked through your ventilation system. I think I would cool the place down early before they start work and then after they leave, turn the system back on or the workers will need to install some type of filtering material in your duct work to help keep the dust out of your ventilation system. Especially important over the cold air return. Like wise with the stain application. If they use a stain that will dry in a couple of hours, shut your air off during that period. Then open all the windows to ventilate for an hour or so, then turn the system back on.
Hope that helps.