Fingerprint-like spots keep reappearing on Jatoba floor

Q: My hardwood contractor had a failure and redid the floors entirely. The floors are Jatoba with Orinoco stain (reddish brown). We thought we were home free and then discovered many spots that literally look like fingerprints. Cleaning only helps temporarily, later the fingerprint-like spots reappear. It looks to me like a scuffing from the sanding process. The finisher says the the floor takes 90 days to cure and the spots should disappear. 20 days later spots are still there and I have no confidence.

Any ideas?

A: I don’t know what the spots are. I do know that I’ve never heard of a floor finish that takes 90 days to cure. Oil modified finishes are certainly cured within 30 days. I use Poloplaz Primero which is approximately 85-90% cured in the first week. Water borne finishes have, typically a full cure rate of several days to 1 or 2 weeks. Is it possible there is a reaction happening between the resins or oils in the floor and the floor finish itself? I do have a bulletin from Poloplaz which recommends wiping the floor down with denatured alcohol before coating.