What is the best time of year to install 3/4 oak hardwood flooring?

Q: What is the best time of year to install 3/4 oak hardwood flooring? I live on Vancouver Island, without air conditioning, and I’m concerned about the possible problems with humidity and the wood. Should I install in the summer months when the wood has expanded or in the cooler months when the wood has shrunk, leaving enough room for future expansion without cupping?

Is there a best season to install hardwood floor?

A: You should try to have some control over the range of humidity in your home, even if it is by using a dehumidifier. I think, given your comments I would recommend the flooring be taken into the house in the summer and left to sit for a couple of weeks before installing. You might end up with gaps in winter but at least it won’t cup the floor or push your walls out.