Torly’s and Uniclick are 2 of the best

Q: We recently purchased Torly’s Laminated flooring with the 4 bevelled edges. It is supposed to be 9.5 mm thickness.. What does this thickness refer to, the wear layer or the core? I am asking because we have only had the floor for 5 months and have found it is not standing up to the durability of the laminate in our previous house (only 7 mm thick and much cheaper).

I am in fact very disappointed with the durability of the Torly’s floor – we have several scratches on it already, as well as dents, and we have not abused the floor. In fact, we are treating it much more carefully than the previous flooring that was used at our last house. Have you ever had any other complaints about the durability of Torly’s flooring for scratching and denting, etc.?

A: I try not to get too involved with laminates, because they are not a “lifetime” floor. However, Torly’s and Uniclick are 2 of the best. 9 mil, 7 mil etc., I believe refers to the thickness of the floor in its entirety. If you are not happy with it and feel you have a legitimate complaint, I would suggest you contact them. They do have a tool that can be used to remove a panel or plank from the middle of the room, and replace the board.