What is the best way to remove (or repair) scratches in wood floors?

Q: What is the best way to remove (or repair) scratches in wood floors?

A: It depends how deep into the surface the scratch goes. If it is a stained floor, you may be able to get a marker to match and just color the spot. In other cases, you might have to lightly abrade the affected boards and apply a thin coat of finish.

Filler for deep scratches in the wood floor

Related Q: Two spots in my room are scratched, DEEP scratches. Do I need to repair the whole floor in my room or can I repair those two spots?

A: Possibly you can find an exact match of wood filler. Something in a tube, easy to use, such as ColorRite. The best you can hope for is to keep whatever you do confined to just those two boards. If you have to apply a coat of finish, lightly sand and coat just those boards with the same type of shine, whether gloss, semi or satin. You likely won’t get a perfect match.