What is the difference between folk grade and provincial grade?

Q: What is the difference between folk grade and provincial grade?

A: I have to tell you the truth: I’ve never heard of those expressions before. It used to be: clear, select and better, #1 common etc. Now, manufacturers are making up new names for some of their products. None the less, it should be possible from their web site to discern which type of quality they are referring to for each product.

Webmasters note: As I added this Q&A, I found pictures of folk grade and provincial grade flooring on ebay, from a company called Beauchêne.

Quote from an ebay sales page:

“Beauchene Provincial Grade Stained Maple hardwood flooring features no knots, allows natural color variations for hard maple, and comes in random lengths from 36 to 40 inches.”

While not including a comparable text description, Folk grade pictures look like they might have more character, markings and knots.

I could not find and official website, but there are discussions/comments you can google about Beauchene. It would be best to perhaps go to a wood flooring store and see the differences for yourself, or request samples.