Q: The oak hardwood floors in my home are 44 years old. If I remember that far back F****** was the finish on the floors. They have been covered off and on with carpeting. The only problem with the floors is dullness. I would like to bring up the shine. They have not been paste waxed and buffed in years.
I only used SC Johnson’s One Step a few times. What product would be best for my old floors? Being a senior citizen, I’m not interested in redoing the floors.
A: Since this is a top coating, I would suggest a suitable cleaner that can remove, perhaps, that wax and any other grime that may be on them. Best cleaner I have used is made by a company called Bona Kemi. The product is Bona Pacific Floor cleaner. www.bonakemi.com. You should be able to purchase this from your local hardwood flooring retailer in concentrate form. It is really good cleaner.
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