More Emailed Answers Recommending Bona Kemi Pacific

Re:spots on floors, with dog drool the suspect cause:

I confess, I am not sure what this problem is caused by. I feel fairly sure dog drool will not damage

a polyurethane coating. If it is from your dog, then cleaning with a good polyurethane cleaner such as Bona Kemi Pacific floor cleaner will have the floors looking fine in seconds.

If there was a serious moisture issue with the floors before coating them, I would expect the finish to start lifting off the floor, likely starting with the edges of the boards and growing from there. I would start with the least radical approach first. Try some of this cleaner. If the spots remain, then perhaps the people who did the job can try a light buffing and re coat. If that fails, then start over.

Is it possible that someone in the house is applying some type of cleaner or polish to chair legs, which is finding its way to the underside of the leg and spotting the floor? Any oily products will leave such a dull look to a gloss finish. the Bona cleaner should be able to remove it.

Re:cleaning instructions for customer

2: I took the liberty yesterday of picking up a gallon of Bona Kemi Pacific floor cleaner yesterday. This is terrific stuff for any wood surface that has a urethane/varnish coating. It says on the back it can also be used for other surfaces. You will need to get a spray bottle and mix 8 parts water to 1 part cleaner. I was showing it to your cleaning lady today. Check out the instruction panel and my best advice would be to lose the ********* oil soap.