Q: We had a very reputable flooring firm refinish our hardwood floors. I routinely wiped the floors with their cleaner. They used their own products. However, we are devastated with the end result. They put two coats of ***** ***** on the floors; they look mottled like the wax isn’t adhering in some places. I noticed that there product containers were covered with thick dust like they had been stored a long time.
I realize patent dates can change but the small date like 1/91 wasn’t a patent date but printed on the label. One had a patent date of 1987; could these outdated product possibly of caused this mottled look; it is in all areas of the flooring over 700 sq. ft. We had a large area rug and it looks the same in that area as the halls. I read online that there is a shelf life of like 2 years if unopened; it look like one container of shine had been opened; not quite full.
A: All products have a shelf life which is shortened once the product is opened. These products you name are for acrylic impregnated floors. Is that the type of flooring you have? Fortunately they also have a Remover. I would be on to the manufacturer about it.