Orange cast to spot of stain

Q: After returning the stain to the stores, the store manager shook, stirred all the cans of stain (in our color) along with the remaining cans, and we discovered that each can varies dramatically from a brown yellow cast, red cast and orange cast. Is it possible for me to remove the stain in the orange areas without re-sanding the floors?

I have tried mineral spirits but this is not working.

A: For this you will need 2 pieces of equipment. A half sheet orbital sander and enough 80 grit aluminium oxide or silicone carbine sandpaper to change perhaps 10-20 times. You will also need a heavy polisher with about 10-80 grit screens and several 100 grit screens. Go over the perimeter with the orbital, and the main area with the polisher and remove as much of the stain as you can. Vacuum up and wet the floor to open the grain. When dry, stain again.