Heels on hardwood

Q: We had a saleswoman come to our house with heeled boots with an exposed tack. We now have over 500 1/4 inch round divots about 1/16 inch deep.

The floors were recently refinished! Is there anything I can do about this, or is refinish all I can do?

A: I am afraid a complete sanding is the only way to fix this problem.

1 thought on “Heels on hardwood”

  1. A similar question was asked that same week, but they may have only had a few dents because of a lady in heels. Here is the Wood Flooring Guys answer to their question:

    “Well, there are wood fillers/putty that are colour matched, but if you have
    a large number of these dents, the only real solution may be to have the
    floors sanded completely and refinished.”

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